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The blogger

Hi, I am Leon

Y!M: sweetxsunkissd
Email: my gmail
Myspace: /xxbettinaxx
Friendster: /chicdecay
Livejournal: /~xxtoxicated
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cold beer
my nails
Voices in my head
11:37 PM // December 20 2005
No one
the sky
a blue whale

By Vintage-Melody



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


leontoh.blogspot.com is my site. Everything is made by myself unless otherwise stated. As usual, cyberspace etiquette is a must. Don't take anything, don't copy and don't hotlink. Ideas, images and text are my property. If you want something, then drop me an email at YOUREMAILHERE

Exam's in 2 days' time...

Monday, June 13, 2005

Been thinking what my life has been like the past few months. Maybe I've changed. For once, I now know how to cook and cook everyday I do :) . The weather's been very tempremental lately. Cold and warm days during winter. Today's kinda warm, either that or I'm used to the cold already.

Semester exam's on Thursday, today's Tuesday. I've got 5 weeks worth of study material to do and I'm totally not in the mood to study. The first-year medical students are having a party on Thursday night. I simply can't wait to party! It's been more than a months since I last went out. It's about time I have some fun.

I'll start blogging more often during the winter break.

Bettina blogged on 8:35 PM

Leon reporting from la-la land

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The last 2 days were the longest days of my life. Here's how it goes

16th February
I had the most beautiful dream of my life. I can't say too much without embarassing myself but it was mostly about some really sweet stuff, hope that day comes true soon. Well, the whole day was about packing, packing, packing. We weighed my luggage time and time again. Really worried that it was overweight. We had tissue paper, clothings, soaps, books, hangers etc.

The sad feeling that I had that day overshadowed the happy dream that I had earlier in the morning. Leaving home proved to be one of the saddest thing I've ever encountered in life. In the morning, I talked with my doggie. She's happy as usual.

When evening came, Sze Chuan came over to my place. He just stood outside the gate, not ringing the bell or anything, we were all downstairs but my brother's little doggie ran out and sat there watching at him. Hehe.. Anyway, I went outside and greeted him, we sat down on the car. Talked. He started talking some religious stuff again. Sometimes, I feel it's hard talking to him. He's so hard-up on what his church has to say and says that all other churches are wrong. Anyway, I just sat there and listened to him.

We didn't have enough time to have a proper dinner. Rushed off to the airport, checked in. The queue was a mile long. Anyway, we decided to have fast food for dinner instead in the airport. I didn't eat much. When the food was done, we walked around. Mom asked not to leave so soon. Anyway, we walked around for antoher 5 minutes more.

Then came the moment of truth.

At the gate, hugged my mom, said goodbye. I could see tears in her eyes. I felt really sad, wanted to cry too but I couldn't. When I was descending the escalator, fear, anxiety, sadness all jumbled up together, overwhelmed my feelings. Suddenly, my vision didn't seem so clear anymore. My eyes felt they were a thousand pounds heavy.

In those very short 2-3 minutes of my life, I felt all the feelings I've ever felt in my whole life. As if each and every feeling I've ever had, was compressed into those few minutes.

Enough about feelings.

Well, off I went, hopped on the train to the next terminal, walked a mile or so to find that I've reached the wrong terminal, I was carry about 15-20kg worth of hand luggage and my weaken body wanted to give up so many times. Imagine, I walked from one end of the terminal, only to walk back to the point where I got off the train some 10 minutes later. I was all sweaty.

Waited for an hour or so before I could get on the plane. The plane was full. Every seat was taken. In the plane, flashes of memories flashed past my mind during that 8-hour-long journey. I hardly slept a wink.

When I touched down Melbourne. It took me, 1-2 hours at least, to check-out and to wait for my luggage. When I got out, there was my new friend, Samuel and this other girl Sarah. They took me to their place, which is partly my place right now as I'm sleeping in their living room.

A new life has begun for me and this blog shall have a new title in the near future.

Bettina blogged on 8:08 PM

One month, one post

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Wow, been more than a month since I last posted. Where should I start? First off, I needn't worry about my A-Level results. Was woken up early in the morning because my dad was knocking my door and yelling at me. I guess he was really excited. It was a miracle that I scored an A in biology as well, never expected that. Got accepted to do medicine in Monash Clayton campus, will be leaving on the 16th. Still haven't found a place to stay. Computer crashed 2 days ago. Just got it back working. Curse Microsoft... grrrr!! Hope to meet up with my friends for the very last time before I leave here. Wouldn't be able to see them as often anymore in this lifetime, perhaps we will meet again some time later...

Bettina blogged on 4:41 AM

Well yes, this blog is boring, the person's boring, the layout of the page's boring too...

Monday, January 03, 2005

but who cares? I'm probably the only person reading this.

The last 10 days of my life just blazed past. So many things happened. So many died.

During these 10 days, I went to:

KL - 4 times, including one trip I came back vomitting at 1am, don't want to get into details.
JB - 2 times
Singapore - once, to meet up with Jervis
The Moon - a zillion times

So, you see, I've been travelling a lot. Travelling and being around has made me think back back of my life. The conclusion is, I'm the dumbest person alive and could never, never re-live the last 19 years of my life.

Going to the moon a zillion times, I've been looking down at planet Earth wondering why is there so much sufferings lately? Do the 140,000 people (till today) deserve death? I was lucky to escape because I was on a boat when the tsunamis destructed towns and took away lives.

I'm not in the best mood to write right now. In fact, I never write here when I'm in a good mood.

Bettina blogged on 1:49 AM

Super long break

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Now that my exams are over, I've got no idea what to do in life! Hahaha... call me a drunk but I'm laughing like mad right now as I'm typing.

*just to keep this page alive... haha...

Bettina blogged on 6:31 AM

The blog continues...

Monday, November 01, 2004

Ah, okay, 2 days since I last posted. Hmm... Monday, met Jervis, he says he's glad that I'm back cause he had no one to talk crap to for the past couple of days. Anyway, we met up in front of the library, had lunch and it was back to old days again. Met Naz a couple of hours later. She's studying. Can't believe that she's doing that. Thought that she never needed to study at all. This is kinda shocking, to say the least. Well, usual stuff again, dinner at 7, meet at the side gate. Bidara was really packed yesterday with our Muslim friends waiting to break fast while Nazurah's busy complaining that she didn't get to eat earlier cause I was sleeping when they were waiting for me at the side gate, couldn't help it really, it's the weather.

It rained really heavily as we were walking back. Got my pants wet, thanks to Jervis. Haha... he kept stepping on puddles of water on the way back, he hugged me so that he wouldn't get wet but that didn't work at all. Lol, don't get any gay ideas here. WE ARE BOTH STRAIGHT PEOPLE. Went to his pleasant room in the hostel to dry ourselves up. We met up with Naz again and went up to Jian Han's room.

My goodness, was his room in a mess! I thought it was some excuse from him to keep me out of his room but I guess he really was right! Papers everywhere, water bottles, clothes piled up. He playing Warcraft III on his bed. Seems like he's really into these games. Can't blaim him, it's really addictive, I know, that's one of the reasons why I don't have a computer back in my room nor a guitar! We got really bored in Jian Han's room so we left. Went to Naz's room instead. Met up with Midhu, she was standing there in the dark, really scarry, I must say, if I weren't informed that she would be there, I would have definitely freaked out, no offence to Midhu. Hey, there's Calvin down there.. wonder what he's doign over in college.Anyway, back to Naz's room. She has this guitar which is really wrecked out, it wouldn't stay in tune nor is it even possible to tune that guitar but I had fun playing really. I always have fun playing the guitar. Seems like I never get tired playing this instrument. It's a gift sent down from Heaven :) . Watched Euro Trip, with lots of nude scenes which, very unfortunately,I missed out cause I was in another world playing the guitar. Haha.. Jervis got to see all of it so if anyone of you out there's reading this, which I very much doubt, you gotta ask Jervis if you want to know more. All I remembered about that movie was this fella was dressing up like the Pope and made a total fool out of himself, and met his girlfriend and stuff. The rest just didn't manage to penetrate into my mind cause I was in another world, did I say that already?

Left around midnight, side gate was closed so I had to use the front gate, I just barely made it through the front gate, haha.. the guard was closing the gate and I just managed to run past him and the gate, of course. Haha... got back to my place, usual stuff, the guys were watching some Cantonese series on their computers, roomate's playing Starcraft, think he got trashed by some fella cause towards the end, he just left the computer and went off watching the serials instead. Hahaha... oh, I made some sandwich yesterday and slept not long after that. It was such a nice weather to sleep, last night, even now as I'm typig this, I'm half awake.

Woke up at 8.30am this morning. It was raining. Ahh... such cool weather. Found my christandthemum packets missing, damn it, why do people just take my stuff and never tell me? That really pissed me off. I don't mind people taking my stuff really, but for Christ's sake, just ask before you take any of them! That happened with my can drinks which I left in the fridge to be drank later. Seesh, I'm not in the mood to curse so early in the morning, it's bad.

Have been around the college hoping that I'll meet someone familiar, in particular . But I guess it's useless of me to hope cause I very much know that's not going to happen anytime soon. It's been on my mind for a very long time now and any moment now, I can feel it, it's going to expolde and I'll just reveal everything.

Need to study now. Exam's really soon and I've not started in any of the subjects. Better get it started now before it's too late.

Bettina blogged on 6:06 PM

Finally! Back to posting

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Hmm... so much to cover... ah well, I'm covering this weekend this time.

So, on Thursday, did my Biology A2 practical, which, I must say, didn't go so well. According to my Biology teacher, if we're lucky, we could only get a single A in the whole class. Well, life goes on. Went off to the cafeteria with Jian Han, he bought mineral water and we went to the one and only place where we hang out most of the time in college - the student centre. Watched people play table tennis, showed him this really good guitarist that I met the other day. It's funny how guitarists seem to get to know each other. I myself have known so many of them in college and in secondary school. Seems like we tend to click together. Wonder if this happens with other instrument players. So, usual stuff, met people there again, talked to them. Had to go through this really disgusting gay talk between Jian Han and Derek. Derek's showing off how big his wheenie is, but we all know that he has literally nothing to be proud of. Wish I had a picture to show you guys, it's really hard to put in words, given my crappy english expressions. So, usual stuff, lunch in Medan with Jian Han, Leonard and Kusha (he's from Iran, a really funny dude). Rained when we were eating. Went back to college after rain. Went back to the table tennis table to see the guys playing, hoping that it'll be our chance soon. That chance never came to us.

This was when I started my 2-hour plus journey back home. I missed 2 trains! First one left while I was paying at the counter for my ticket. The second one left while I was buying a drink! Anyway, after 21 stops, I finally reached Seremban. It's really good to be back home again. Got home, did my usual stuff, left my bag on the floor, took out some stuff, ran to the computer room. Buddy, my black Labrador hopped up to get a look of me through the window. She's such a cute doggie :) pinched her cute little face. Got back to my room, picked up my classical guitar, practised a little (I'm a guitar freak, remember?). Got back to my comp, installed the Sims 2. It was a really good game! My male Sim actually gave birth to this green baby. It was hilarious, I tell ya.

Whole night was spent playing Sims 2 and listening to my father's super long lecture about Friday's interview. Frankly speaking, nothing much went into my head, all I did was pretended I was listening and nodded my head occasionally and asking a few questions and running off blowing my nose. Went off to sleep around midnight.

Friday morning, I was woken up by my mom sweeping the floor, banging the broom stick on my door. Looked at the clock, almost 10am! Jumped out of bed, the outside clock showed 7.40am, hmmph! That clock in my room has been showing 9.40 for the past one month now, maybe I should change the battery sometime later. Anyway, had breakfast, listening to father's long lecture again... back to the comp. Watched a little of tv then got ready and off I go again on a 2 hour journey back to KL on that dumb ol' train. Train was horrible. The air conditioner was broken! Imagine 2 hours on a slow train, on a hot day, and you having flu. Reached KL at around 3.30pm and had lunch there. Finding the hotel proved to be an easier task than we imagined. The Westin Hotel was beside the Marriott Hotel! On the outside, it really was a plain looking hotel but inside, it was a totally different story. Got into the hotel at around 4.10pm, checked where my interview was. Went to the business centre, only to see this pleasant woman waiting outside for her son who has gone inside for the interview. To be honest, I was starting to panic there, wished I remebered what my dad told me before this. Anyway, I kept my cool, took in at least 30 deep breaths before the interview.

This funky looking bald guy came out, squated down, looked at the names of interview-ees (?) and called out my name... Leon here? He's a nice fella. Anyway, he led me to this really dark room with a table lamp and introduced me to the other interviewer. The interview started off with "This is a friendly talk"... wow, this really calmed me down. Wrote my name on a white board and he asked me to stand against the wall while holding up my name up high and took a picture. The interview was smooth! Wasn't the typical interview that I've been for. This one really made me feel comfortable. It was all over within 30 minutes.

Went to Mid Valley after the interview. My was that place crowded that Thursday evening! Supposed to buy a book in MPH but I never got to find that book. It's funny that they don't showcase a book that has just won the Booker prize a week before. Anyway, it was back again on the train back to Seremban. My father actually got to talk to this British chap who said that he has been in South East Asia for 10 years now. Travelling a lot here and there. He seems to be a really interesting chap.

Nothing happened on Saturday, just computer games and tv and the guitar. Oh, oh, oh! I've found this really good version of Goodbye Pork Pie hat that uses all these jazz chords. I'm pretty new with this jazz chords stuff, they're super hard, I tell ya, I would play a fast solo anytime and not do a mind boggling jazzy progression with all those odd chords. Augmented with an added 13th, flat 7 sharp 9th. Weird stuff, I tell ya. It's a great song, for those of you reading this, do check out the original version by Charles Mingus and John McLaughlin's beautiful guitar version. Watched Seabiscuit in the evening, it's really hard to say this but the ending really got tears in my eyes, it's a great movie. Watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy at night. Funny, as usual.

Sunday was very much like Saturday (well, I'm lazy to type actually). A very distant relative died on Saturday. Cremated on Sunday. Mom and dad went over to see but I stayed at home. Got a lift back to Sunway through my cousin's husband. He's almost 40. Imagine the gap between us. Talked about everyday stuff in his car. It's the first time I'm talking to him actually. He's really friendly.

Started typing this blog 40 minutes ago. Think it's full of crap about me talking mostly about nothing. I guess that's why I don't blog very often. I still can remember almost every detail of the last 3 days of my life and I've got no idea which to write down and which to leave out. That explains why my blog hasn't been updated for the past 2 and a half months now.

Oh, happy Holloween to those who actually celebrate it. This wishing has come tad too late but better late than never :)

Bettina blogged on 7:58 AM